Near Death Experiences

On the surface the ‘Near Death Experience’ sounds like a wonderfully heightened state that the under-utilised human brain experiences as we hit the wall for the last time, only to come out the other side to describe the ‘bright lights’ and ‘out of body sensations’.

The idea that we only use a small fraction of our brain is a little daft, as evolution dictates that the brain wouldn’t unnecessarily develop as an un-tuned engine, unless it had previously been used to a fuller extent, and we have lost the ability to utilise this extra horse power somehow.

The reality of it is more likely to be that we can’t simultaneously utilise our full brain, firing connections between all the neurons at the same and harnessing its full power, but each constituent part on the whole will get utilised at some point of ‘Normal’ function.

It does make you stop and think that if the human mind was able to make use of all our grey matter in a conscious waking state that we could potentially exceed our current potential pretty dramatically.

But what does this actually mean? Well, with it being observed that the gamma oscillations significantly increase in the brain with a (near) death experience, as the brain attempts to make a last fight to decode what is happening to it (presumably because its experiencing something that hasn’t happened before.. Death), it stands to reason that if we could boost the gamma oscillations within the brain in a natural awake state, without the inconvenient hurdle of ‘near death’ then we could further utilise the brain.

What would this give us though?! It’s all start to sound like Bruce Banners field of experience when you start talking about Gamma, and while we’re on the subject of split personalities, it’s worth pointing out that a decrease of gamma oscillations are also associated with schizophrenia.

So before you go trying to boost your ERB4 receptors with Neuregulin-1  its worth contemplating whether we’ve just hit a balance over the millennia where any more or less gamma oscillations result in humans going crackers, or whether we’re destined for further greatness with our minds running at a bright 60watts instead of the slightly dim 24watts of today!

Survival Kit: Role Models for Today’s Youth

Seriously.. The outlook for the youth of today is in serious jeopardy. 
They need more role models. You can’t rely on the Government, Councils, 
Schools to provide them with an adequate moral compass.

Thankfully there are a set of people out there that can help you on 
this quest, people in the public eye that that can be referenced as 
tangible role model.

The likes of Continue reading “Survival Kit: Role Models for Today’s Youth”

If Oil Ran Out Tomorrow

What will happen if the oil runs out tomorrow…

Part of me really wants to see what would become of us if this did happen, but another side just tells me that it’s going to be on the darker side of some apocolypic Hollywood movie!

Lets have a think about what some of the immediate and longer term outcomes will be.

For starters, unless the governments all of a sudden magic some wonder fuel out from under it’s hat that they’ve been suppressing for years (lets face it with the amount of tax a government makes on fuel this might even happen) it’s all going to get very hairy, very quickly.

For starters the most basic of human needs.. Continue reading “If Oil Ran Out Tomorrow”

My 1st Window into Music

Most people can trace their interest in something back to a certain point in time, be that an event; a year; certain age etc.

It’s a question I hear on the radio listening to Mike Sweeny on Real Radio XS (Previously Manchesters Rock Radio) whenever he interviews someone “where did it start? what was the album that sparked it”

This got me thinking today, what was the period/album/style that got me hooked on music.

On reflection, I hadn’t taken a real notice of music until I was about 10/11 years old (1989/90), certainly not anything outside of a few Queen/Chris Rea or Shaken Stevens songs being played at home, but music was by no means a central focus in our house, and I was far to busy out in the fields, whittling wood, fishing, riding my bike and enjoying the great outdoors.

It was only when I got a back to back stereo and a walkman one Christmas that I actually sat up and took note of what was around me.

Albums that made a difference..

From there, I picked up Continue reading “My 1st Window into Music”

Top 50 – Awesome Rock Gym Playlist

Ok, so you like/love rock music and you go to the gym. You want some high energy tracks that will get the guns working overtime, you’ve got a few in a playlist but you need some more! Take a look at the below, and see if there’s any you’ve not come across yet.

There are some non rock tracks that have slipped in there… but they hold their own in the gym ☺

This list has been constantly refined over the past 8 years! Any other that should make the list that I’ve missed off?… add a comment below.

Get inspired… get massive! Continue reading “Top 50 – Awesome Rock Gym Playlist”

Want to strap some nanogenerators to your heart?

Think about it… No for a second longer than that! Would you really?

Anything that puts even a tiny bit more strain on the heart can’t be good for you. Like all ‘good muscles’ your hearts got a genetic sell by date (if reading any DNA White papers has anything to go by) so why run the risk of running yours down early doors?

Well, some may say that any downsides would be negligible in comparison to a big mac once a month (if that).

So ok, it doesn’t sound that bad in comparison to Continue reading “Want to strap some nanogenerators to your heart?”

Life Directive: Setup for success.

Apply the below to most situations in life where you need to onboard and utilize a skill and you’ll have a framework for success.

1. Technique, Goal: Improve skill set

a) Understand how/why a toolset is applied
b) Practice toolset
c) Display correct use of toolset in training

2. Intention, Goal: Focus mindset

a) Apply the mindset to have the correct intention to use the toolset
b) Possess desire/drive to achieve the goal

3. Attention, Goal: Apply skill set accurately

a) Focus to practice technique is paramount, practice without attentiveness promotes inconsistencies
b) Attention when applying the task to a live environment, deliver what you practice

If I could travel back in time…

If I could travel back in time, what would I want to go back and see? Why? Landmarks in time? People in Time? Events in Time?

In addition to all the gigs that I have seen, these are the ones that I wish could travel back in time to be at:

New Arrivals – Gibsons Kittens!

Well, quick post…. we got back from holiday to find a little surprise behind the sofa! Kittens! They weren’t due for a week or so yet, or so we thought! but here they are, one Black one with White flashes, the other one White with patch work … looks just like Fender, their ‘Uncle’! Quick Vid….


Site update: Places Visited

I’ve added a page to the site that shown the places I’ve been (visited/worked/holidayed etc). I’ve probably missed a few out… well I know I have but if you know that I’ve been somewhere and think it should be posted up here then let me know in the comments section! You can find the page at the top navigation bar or by following this link: [post=238]