What is the meaning of life? but more interestly who are the people

There are two destinct paths that you can follow in life, you can be an educator or an explorer. There is a hybrid class here of an Educating Explorer or is this an Explorer/Educator? We’ll get on to that later! for now we just have to think of people in those 2 broad classes!

So what is the educator?

The educator is someone who passes on their knowledge to others through either passing on teachings taught to them or their personal experiences. Or it’s dictionary reference: “A person or organisation with responsibility for developing, managing or delivering learning resources” Think of these people in their base form as parents. Probobly one of the most genetically programmed types of educator out there, with some better programmed than others! This could open up the wider debate of are we programmed to be parents or are our children programmed to be students? hmmm not getting into that here; but I’d hazard a guess at a bit of both!

And who is the explorer?

The explorer is the type of person who does not restrict themselves to passing on knowledge but strive to absorb new information through experimentation, travel and observation. Essentially they are a life long student, but convert to an explorer when they are forced to find their own answers instead of having the answers dictated to them. The dictionary labels these people as “Someone who searches or travels for the purpose of discovery, e.g. for unknown people, including space (space exploration), for oil, gas, coal, ores, caves, water (Mineral exploration or prospecting), or information”

Then we have the Educating Explorers..

These are a breed of people that continually wish to learn and experience new stimuli, they also wish to pass on this information either through for teaching practices (most succesful, less common) or through parenting (most common, but is essence they become more devoid of their educator role and step more into being an explorer), this is a balance that can be expremely difficult to judge, the the one that most people try to adopt!

What do you want to be? What actually are you? do you like that?

What defines us? Is it already defined for us? you have a choice…

Time travel is possible. In this year 25 years ago I was 5.